What is Business Lending Fundamentals?

    Business Lending Fundamentals teaches banking and lending professionals how to knowledgeably and purposefully explore borrowing needs and identify potential credit solutions for businesses that generate less than USD $15 million in revenue.
    It emphasizes the operating and capital investment cycles as a framework for discovering and discussing borrowing needs. It also introduces the basic tenants of business management, so that participants can ask astute questions that not only uncover the information they need to identify a quality solution, but also encourage their customers to see them as consultative financial partners.

What will you learn by taking this course?

  • Conduct meaningful conversations with business owners about their business borrowing needs
  • Assess a business’s industry position, management and strategies
  • Assess the key information in a business’s financial statements
  • Evaluate business loan requests to determine whether they represent bankable opportunities
  • Improve communication with underwriters and other internal partners

With Moody’s eLearning:

  • You have direct access to a lending expert via our unique Email a Mentor feature
  • You can download a comprehensive Reference Guide, replete with job aids and tools that you can use on the job
  • You elevate your professional currency by completing a course from a globally recognized leader in the credit training space

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USD 890.00
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